Comet Update 6/2/21
Good Afternoon Comet Parents
Hoping everyone had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.
After three full weeks of online registration for the 2021 Comet Football Season, we have an estimated 99 players listed in the books.
The chart below indicates where the helmet count currently resides.
We added about thirty nine players this past week. That was the final week of the early bird “discounted rate” offer.
Two signed up on 6/1, and several others today. We also have a few people that have not completed registration and are under an “incomplete” status.
We’ll follow up with those parents this week.
Report by Grade:
Although 1st grade has very low numbers, 2nd grade players will clearly put them in an eligible status for a 2021 team.
Third and fourth grade are also both low numbers, but combined they just make the cut.
Fifth Grade is short 5 minimum players to officially start in August.
Six grade has a legitimate team for 2021 as of today.
Seventh grade is short at least 7 players.
And 8th grade just makes the threshold with 15 players.
We will continue registration up until we cannot delay ordering uniforms to help with teams that are short, or families moving into our area this summer.
If you can help in any way with players in grades highlighted in yellow below (especially 5th and 7th) it would be greatly appreciated.
Eight weeks until practice starts.
1. Attached are TWO forms for the upcoming Helmet Club Golf outing for the RB Rockets! Golfing is June 25th! If you cannot make it, even a small donation would greatly help this wonderful group that support the HS football program.
2. Flag Parents, we’re looking for Coaches at this level. The more the merrier. We can train/instruct at practice for those that are new. Please email if you are interested.
Please forward this 2021 On-line Comet Registration info to anyone who has not yet signed up or interested!
HERE is the Flag link:
HERE is the Tackle link:
Registration issues or questions,
Please contact Abi @
OR – 815-451-2705
Our website
League website
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
God Bless you all and have a great week!