SLC Week 2 Final and Update 9/9/19
Good Morning Comet Parents!
We’re moving into Week # 3 of the 2019 Football season and closer to Fall.
We had four teams at home last weekend and three on the road.
Below are the results from Week # 2.
Week # 3 Upcoming Games
Just a couple housekeeping items…
1. Volunteers – If you haven’t logged ANY volunteer time by 9/28/19, we basically just deposit your $100 volunteer deposit and cease to solicit help for the remainder of the season from any that have not volunteered during that time peroid.
So please make sure to get some, any, or all of your time used up in the next 3 weeks. Thanks!
2. Garbage at the Park – Unfortunately there’s not really one single day/night that we don’t have to pick up after others in our park. Water bottles, candy wrappers, etc… This is both at practices and games. On the sidelines, below ALL bleachers, along the fence lines, in the parking lots, etc.. PLEASE make sure to pick up after yourselves, your kids, or your guests at all practices and games. If someone needs reminding, please let us know. We will gladly address it right there on the spot. We take a lot of pride in having nice clean parks, and we want them to stay that way along with our guests sites while we play on the road. We will also hear directly from the Village about any dates where the fields are not left clean. Each team, please pick up after yourselves when you leave after practices, and games. We have more than adequate numbers of trash cans, so let’s use them. Thanks
2019 Comet Sponsors
Listed below are the wonderful sponsors that have stepped up and helped us out in 2019!
Each week Spring Grove Insurance donates $25 for every HOME Team TD!
The Spring Grove Insurance touchdown donation this week was $200!
Below is the link to get a quote!
Friday 9/13/19 @ RBCHS
Rockets vs Johnsburg!
Varsity 7 PM
Sunday 9/15/19 – NMS Color Run – To support building a new track for NMS!
Flyers attached
Thursday 10/3/19 – Richmond Wrestling Club Sign Up
Thursday October 3rd at Thelen Park.
Ages 5 and UP!
530 PM to 630 PM
A GREAT way to get your child involved into another great sport immediately after football.
If you’re undecided, just give it a try or even talk to several kids that are presently in it for some feedback!
Flyer attached