Comet Update 8/4/21
Greeting Comet Parents
As of last night, all Comet Teams have now hit the field for the 2021 season as Flag started practice yesterday!
It’s exciting to see the park full!
Couple reminders:
1. If you have not submitted a COPY of a birth certificate for any NEW Comet player, please do so.
2. If you have not yet submitted your deposit checks, please do so.
3. Team moms will also reach out to those that we still need this information above from as it’s required before you play on 8/21 (Jamboree).
4. Any players that do not have pads, helmets, practice pants, practice jerseys please come to the garage before practice today so we can get everyone taken care of.
Here’s a picture of a few happy campers at Rocket Camp several weeks back!