Comet Update 7/30/20
Good Morning Comet Parents
As most of you may have already heard late yesterday, the most recent news released from our IL Governor has placed new/revised sports guidelines to follow within our state for all High School and Youth sports (see chart/rules below). These guidelines are really not too surprising as it seems most governing entities seem to be pushing decisions away for others to make due to the uncertainty of C-19 spread, containment, and obviously vaccination. Our neighbors to the north of us in Wisconsin are facing very similar challenges. Some communities have fewer restrictions than us, while most are in the very same scenario as us if not even further restricted (Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha counties). As stated in our earlier group email, our league (SEYFA) set a date of August 12th to gather together and review each programs present restrictions based on that date/time. And this is to accommodate the revised league start date of 8/24/20 that all communities voted upon. Until we physically go thru this process, we cannot yet confirm start or stopping of the 2020 season. Granted the outcome certainly seems obvious, rest assured ALL community leaders are relentlessly doing “whatever they can” to find ways to safely get the kids back out playing youth sports and salvage what we can of 2020 including Flag, Indoor, or 7 on 7 options if needed. Our leagues Board has a very diverse and solid crew which is very fortunate. From community leaders, youth program directors, County officials, School Superintendents, Medical professionals, private business owners, etc.. And sadly, having said all of this, none of this even addresses the concerns that most of you are facing regarding return to school challenges which is certainly much more important than sports.
The Comets are one organization in a much bigger picture of 14 communities within SEYFA, and regardless of our readiness to move forward, we are at the mercy of the limitations of other programs, leagues, facilities and local governments that must be considered in order to figure out our role within their plans. The last several weeks, days and sometimes hours we have seen substantial changes that are often confusing and contradictory, as well as happening so quickly that providing any kind of update would border on puzzling at best. As a result, the Comets will continue to refrain from providing an official final update until we actually “have” more solid information on which to base our decisions and meaningful updates to pass along to our families. If you do not hear updates from us, please ask and we’ll give you the truth as we know it and the league has physically discussed it. And obviously, in today’s world some can simply just touch the enter key or send button on a handheld device to spread any word, but we’ll continue to take a deep breath, review the facts, and send what we know as fact.
Please continue to be safe, taking care of your family, friends, and neighbors.
God Bless you all and we’ll update you as soon as we hear more.
Gov. J.B. Pritzker said the state will be “restricting youth and adult recreational organized sports,” including school-based sports, beginning Aug. 15. The restrictions do not include professional or collegiate sports.
Under the new guidance<>, each sport will be categorized into three “risk levels” – high, medium and low – determined by “the amount of contact between athletes and their proximity during play.” Still, certain sports may be able to move forward with their seasons in the fall under the new restrictions.
“This isn’t news that anyone wants to hear, but this virus remains dangerous,” Pritzker said during his press conference Wednesday.
Under the guidance, each risk group will be limited to certain levels of play:
Level 1: No-contact practices and trainings only
Level 2: Intra-team scrimmages allowed, with parental consent for minors; no competitive play
Level 3: Intra-conference or Intra-EMS-region1 or intra-league play/meets only; state- or league-championship
game/meet allowed for low-risk sports only
Level 4: Tournaments, out-of-conference/league play, multi-team meets, out-of-state play allowed; championship games allowed
As of Wednesday, the state’s coronavirus conditions dictate the following levels are allowed for each risk group:
* Lower-risk sports can currently play at Levels 1, 2, and 3
* Medium-risk sports can currently play at Level 1 and 2
* Higher-risk sports can currently play at Level 1
Here’s where each group ranks in terms of risk:
Boxing: Higher
Competitive Cheer: Higher
Competitive Dance: Higher
Football: Higher
Hockey: Higher
Lacrosse: Higher
Martial Arts: Higher
Rugby: Higher
Ultimate Frisbee: Higher
Wrestling: Higher
Basketball: Medium
Fencing: Medium
Flag Football or 7v7 Football: Medium
Paintball: Medium
Racquetball: Medium
Soccer: Medium
Volleyball: Medium
Water Polo: Medium
Wheelchair Basketball: Medium
Archery: Lower
Badminton: Lower
Baseball: Lower, if at least 6-feet apart in dugout areas, or players seated 6 feet apart in bleachers behind dugout. If not, this would be considered medium
Bass Fishing: Lower, if limit number of individuals on boat to allow for social distancing. If not, this would be labeled medium
Bowling: Lower
Climbing: Lower
Crew: Lower
Cross Country: Lower, if number of teams is significantly limited and physical workspace guidelines followed
Cycling: Lower, if individual or use only every other track in velodrome. If not, this is considered medium
Disc Golf: Lower
Scholastic Golf: Lower
Gymnastics: Lower if able to clean equipment between participants. Otherwise, considered Medium
Horseback Riding: Lower
Ice Skating: Lower, if singles only. Otherwise, higher
Ropes Courses: Lower, if able to socially distance and clean between each individual. If not, this is considered higher
Sailing, Canoeing, Kayaking: Lower, if limited number on boat to socially distance. Otherwise, higher
Sideline Spirit: Lower if 6-feet apart and no stunts or lifts. Otherwise this would be considered higher
Skateboarding: Lower
Softball: Lower, if at least 6-feet apart in dugout areas, or players seated 6-feet apart in bleachers behind dugout. If not, this is considered medium
Swimming/Diving: Lower, if restricted to single lane and singles diving. No relays, synchronized swimming, or paired diving. If not, considered medium
Tennis: Lower
Track and Field: Lower, if delayed starts, every other track, and cleaning of equipment between usage; otherwise medium
Weight Lifting: Lower, if able to clean between each individual. If not, this would be considered medium