Comet Update 7/16/20
Good Morning Comet Parents!
Just another brief update…
Our league held a virtual meeting on Wednesday 7/1/20, and then @ 6 PM last night in Racine, WI our general monthly meeting was held.
As you’ve heard over and over…our present times are like no other and we continue to sit and wait for clearance and final guidance to safely open the 2020 youth football season. And this is not just for us, but rather ALL communities having different rules and regulations. The last few months have been very stressful for leaders in ALL communities. One of the largest leagues in the country (TCYFL) whom also happens to be our neighbor hosting many communities all around us in both states, cancelled their 2020 season on Tuesday night. So for us (SEYFA) to still even be in the batter’s box should tell you enough about how hard we are trying to salvage 2020.
We agreed last night to modify our previous start dates with anticipation of additional news forthcoming in both states and counties as HS is only about 3.5 weeks away from their official start date. So please continue to be patient as we are waiting for updates. This doesn’t not confirm anything but gives us any addtl hope that we can proceed with all the proper guidelines and safety precautions.
The league JUST posted an update letter on the SEYFA Facebook site.
Additionally, some of these dates were revised last night. Dates discussed last night. First day of practice revised to August 24th. Allowed 8 hours (4 days) week one and first 6 hours must be helmets only. Full Pads practice the week of August 31 and allowed 6 hours (3 days) of practice per week. First game September 12th. Games every Saturday through Oct 31, 8 total weeks. Final team numbers will be needed at the August 12th league meeting. We will need to decide if we are to have playoffs or no playoffs at that time. If we have playoffs, we will need to set divisions and need a host. If no playoffs, the season we will just play 8 games. The exact protocol for practice AND games is yet to be announced.
In the meantime between now and 8/12/20, we are working on developing the required standards that we will ALL have to follow in 2020 if/when we get the green light. They may even be different by location, County, or State. One thing that WILL be consistent is the return to play protocol for any possible positive cases related to ANY player/team. As most of you know in the working world, it generally involves a 14 day stay at home order for the specific positive cases in individual(s) AND all associated (team) directly with that person. So these are some challenging rules and it’s definitely not going to be too easy. This will require a few more volunteers at all levels in our org and most likely eliminating any excess events (Kick-0ff Party, Jamboree, Fiesta, and possibly concessions). These events have generated many extra funds that gave us the benefits we’ve enjoyed each season but we’re working to see what a revised budget will effectively provide at this time.
Our most recent registration numbers indicate that we have 25 Flag players AND 120 tackle players registered as of today. Most teams have enough players to start or are pretty close to having a full rostered team (16) in SEYFA.
The Sixth and Eighth Grade continues to need some addtl players. Our gap is continually closing, but there’s still five weeks before our new proposed starting date. Again, we don’t want to come down to the wire and have to make difficult decisions at any level if we are granted to play in 2020.
So any help that parents can offer for these two groups would be greatly appreciated. It appears 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades may face similar challenges in the future (based on current regst numbers).
– We are using TeamSnap so registrants must have a TeamSnap account.
– Fees will be charged at a later date once we know the 2020 season is moving forward.
If we start on time, the payment due date will be 8/3/20.
– Fees will be same as last year $343 for tackle and $80 for flag.
The link for Tackle regst (Grades 1st thru 8th) :
The link for Flag (Ages 4 thru 6) :
We strongly encourage everyone to sign up now to help us better understand team sizes, player needs, equip needs, and commitment to the league.
As an additional side note, for coaches that have not certified yet in 2020, or Parents that haven’t received a recent update from USA Football in a while, these are some general guidelines that many if not most orgs are following that are still within the 2020 game mode including HS Football.
We will continue to keep you updated with all or any significant updates.
We want to wish you all a continued Safe and Healthy July!