Greetings Comet Parents!

The latest estimate of where the final helmet count resides….

We added 7 more players this past week and lost two.

Report by Grade:

Flag added TWO more and is currently at a 24 player roster

1st grade added two more and are now at 13 . And the 2nd grade also added two more players putting them at 27 and the largest class!

Third grade and fourth grade remained flat and are at 21 total for the season.

Fifth Grade is at 20 players.

Six grade is currently at 26 players.

Seventh is showing 16 players overall.

And finally the 8th grade is at 23 players.


TWO weeks from today until practice starts!


NEW Registration… we really only have room to take in players this week until this Friday. And that is ONLY if the following below is fully understood:

  1. We can only hold regst until this coming Friday, and that comes with stipulations. This also includes those players who registered AFTER 7/13 and were NOT fitted at either of the scheduled fittings.
  2. We cannot guarantee a positive fit for custom jerseys and pants as it requires a fitting and lead time response is AFTER season begins. We attempt to order a little larger than expected as worst case scenario.
  3. There may be a delay recvg your uniform as current uniforms are coming in right before Jamboree
  4. There may be a delay recvg your helmet. Current helmet order may come in opening weekend OR 2nd week. Still pending delv date
  5. All of this could delay your practice and game start time early in the season
  6. If you agree to this fully and still want to regst, all is fine until this Friday only.

As stated before, last week Riddell had a catastrophic fire at one of their helmet plants forcing us to use another source (Zenith) and the date of the shipment is very close to opening practice or 2nd week.

This is the very best we could do. Please stand by for confirmed shipments if you have not recvd a helmet.

All Comet Coaches mtg will be at Thelen Park Wed 7/28  600-700 PM – Team gear to be assigned to coaches also.

Newbie Camp Thur 7/29 from 530- 700 PM NEW PLAYERS ALL LEVELS ONLY and PARENTS – A chance to meet coaches, the program, review a sample practice, ask questions

ALL New Coaches – Mtg Thur 7/29 7 PM – 8 PM Immediately after the NEWBIE CAMP

8/2 – Opening Practice 530-730 PM

8/2 – Mandatory Parent MTG – Location to be named next week. 6 PM – 7 PM

8/21 – SEYFA Jamboree (Tackle teams only)  – More to come later. A VERY big day of football in Spring Grove. Possibly 80 team scrimmage

8/28 – Opening weekend

It would be a good time to buy chinstraps for your helmet (if you have the helmet already)

New helmets will come with one.

Mouthpieces come from Conlon & Thompson (if you followed that at fitting) or purchase your own that attaches with a strap to the helmet face mask.

Practices are generally 530-730 Tues thru Thur AFTER we get thru the first couple weeks for grade 3rd and up.

1st/2nd graders can only practice Tues and Thur 530-730 (2 days) after week one

Flag is generally Tues and Thur 530-730 only after 1st week and they may even be a little shorter in length of prac after things get rolling

Game schedules do NOT come out until August AFTER all league teams are confirmed. Then the league scheduler develops the schedule

Games will begin Sat’s starting 8/28 thru 10/30 not including 9/4 as that’s Labor Day weekend

Coaches have begun reaching out to Parents of all players recently introducing themselves, and describing the seasons mission.

If you have not heard back yet, you should very soon.

Registration issues or questions,

Please contact Abi @

OR – 815-451-2705

Our website

League website

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

God Bless you all and have a great week!


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