Good Afternoon Comet Parents

TONIGHT is PICTURE Comets Picture Night for the 2019 Season!

Just a reminder….

1.    Below is an attachment if you want a HEAD START on Picture Day by paying online, or if you have any other questions..

2.    If not, we will also have hard copies available tonight to hand out.


A “31” BAG was lost by a Comet Parent Saturday in the afternoon session….

Teal and white stripped 31 Tote bag that says “Time to Tailgate” on the side, it had Nike Slides, his cup, and clothes in it.


Hi Parents,

Picture day is quickly approaching! Please take a moment to review the following picture day information.

Pictures will be taken on the following date(s):

Monday, 8/19/2019

Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled picture time to help expedite the process. If you don’t know your scheduled picture time, please check with your coach/teacher/instructor.

If you would like to pre-pay online, please CLICK HERE

If you have any questions, please email us or call us directly at 847-526-3003.

Thanks, and we will see you there!

PMI Photography

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