Good Morning Comet Parents!

Organization Update: 


TACKLE practices this week for grades 5th thru 8th will be Mon thru Thursday. Grades 1st thru 4th will be Tuesday thru Thursday. And as most tackle practices, 530-730 PM. Another great weather week. Please stay hydrated beginning at home, while at practice, and also after practice.

Flag practice I believe is Mon and Wednesday 530-700.

All of the confirming times should be communicated to you each and every WEEK from your teams TEAMSNAP app or team moms.

If you did NOT complete THREE days of conditioning last week, you will be required to do so PRIOR to practicing in pads.


Our helmets did not arrive Friday as expected but FINALLY did on Saturday! The equipment crew worked diligently organizing them over the weekend and they are ready to be fitted this week. THANKS to all those working behind the scenes many hours to complete this! Abi has communicated how this will be handled this week for grades 5th thru 1st as they have not been fitted yet. AFTER those teams are complete (1st thru 5th), any corrections or changes can be done for all other grades including 6th thru 8th. As stated previously, we will however have some variations in colors (green/white/maroon) so we will need to paint those that are NOT maroon. We will supply the paint today and hopefully labor to get this done as soon as we’re able.

Concessions Update

On the July 26th the following email below was sent out:

If anyone is interested in the Comets Concession Director position for the 2022 season please reach out to us. This can also be two people or a shared position if desired.

We sent another concession reminder out last week to this same message. We’ve recvd several emails of people wanting to help cook, serve and stock food, etc…

What we were looking for was a “Director Position” to be filled in the organization. And I believe we have since found a few offers.

Anyway, all others offering help will hear directly from Team Moms WHEN the schedules are finally posted so we can gather volunteer names for those specified dates. Thank you for offering


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pick up after yourselves at the Park after EVERY VISIT. Every night we seem to have leftover food wrappers, water bottles, misc garbage to pick-up. The Comets sign an agreement annually to ensure we will keep the Park clean or ordered to pay fees for them to have it professionally done. The Coaches also have to sign an agreement with the Village. So we ask for all of your support. This also includes at other community parks. Thank you very much


The monthly SEYFA mtg will be held this Wednesday @ 6 PM for ALL League/Community Officers. Discussion will be held regarding team counts, rosters, Jamboree updates, and 2023 schedule. We hope to see the schedule this weekend or next week. We WILL advise all when we receive it. It requires LOTS of discussion and planning since many teams also use their HS fields which certainly complicates matters. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have a balance due (regst or deposit) or still need to provide us with a copy of a Birth Certificate, please bring this to Practice.



Saturday August 20th, 2022 Times/sessions based on grade levels. This will be a very large event requiring LOTS of volunteers. You will hear from Team Moms soon.

Opening Game

Saturday August 27th, 2022

Picture Day

Will be based upon availability of Photographer

We expect to have some tentative date(s) late next week.

Labor Day Weekend OFF

September 3rd, 2022

Super Bowl Weekend or Final SEYFA Weekend

October 29th 2022

If you feel that you’ve received this message in error please let us know and we can remove your email from our email listing.

Thank you!

Go Comets

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