Good Afternoon Comet Parents!
Today is officially the last day of PRE-SEASON! Tomorrow is GAME DAY 2022!
It’s been 4 weeks of practice. We say it’s 4 weeks but if you really break this down…it’s actually 3 days (6 hrs) of conditioning, 13 days of 2 hr practices (for some teams), and one 1.5 hr scrimmage. So the best case scenario for “some” Comet teams is 33.5 hrs total of completed practice time and now it’s the opening game! Just remember, whether you play well or bad tomorrow, win or lose, there are a lot of teams out there that have a lot more hours under their belt than those teams that just started on 8/1/22. Many teams including on neighbors participated in the 7 on 7 program this Spring, several others played in offseason tourneys at the end of 2021, and some just focused on football in the offseason vs a variety of other sports. Regardless…play your very best, be proud of whom you are, what you’re doing together as a team, and just grow together moving forward the next 9 weeks! Enjoy the ride. Display good sportsmanship home and away. Treat officials, opponents, and fans with respect. You all carry the Comet Flag and we’re proud of every single one of you! We are a feeder program to the players that you will watch tonight. Keep it fun so the all aspire to continue football in HS, and to walk thru the “future Comet tunnels”.
Practice next week CHANGES
Next week 3rd thru 8th Grade Tues thru Thur ONLY 530-730 PM
Next week 1st/2nd Grade Tues AND Thur only 530-730
This will remain like this for some time to come unless a specific grade level has a school scheduling conflict or other issue such as RB Homecoming week in September.
Alcohol and Tobacco usage
The SEYFA League, the Stateline Comets, and the Village of SG have rules in place regarding alcohol, tobacco, and other substances in our Parks and ALL others. This includes guests of families. Any questions, please ask.
25.1.1.  Failure to offer a safe playing environment that is free of threats of violence, intimidation, drugs, alcohol, smoking, and vaping.
2022 Schedules
They were released last Sunday! As much as we all want to believe they will not change, please understand some things can indeed do that including availability of officials, weather, school functions, field availability.
School has started…
Keep illness spreading to a minimum. If you child is sick, keep them from practice. If they miss school and/or are behind in homework, school is first…miss practice. This was all reviewed at the Parent mtg 8/1 as it is annually.
Equipment Issues
We should now be on the very end of any equipment issues. Next week we will review what equipment is remaining and what we’re sending in for re-certification for the 2023 season only to get further ahead and beat the year end rush. ANY equipment reviews or exchanges MUST go thru the Equipment Directors or coaches.
Our Comet Concession Crew is expanding their hours! Come check it out now on Thursday Nights!
Great job Kelly and Kristin!
Comet Night @ RBCHS
Friday August 26th, 2022
Gates at RBCHS will open at 4:45. That means most likely everyone should plan on arriving very shortly after 5 PM, and forming the Comet Football and Cheer tunnel for the players from the field gates towards the HS BEFORE the players walk to the field at 535 PM. So you need to be there in plenty of time to set this up. Immediately after, close to 545 PM, they will announce Cheer, then Flag, then 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, etc…grade by grade, team by team. With recent construction this year, the track will still be drying due to the turf project and that’s where we used to walk. So this year the players/coaches will parade onto the field portion along the home sideline on the turf instead of the track.
Opening Game
Saturday August 27th, 2022 – Game schedules are released!
Below is a rough draft
Labor Day Weekend OFF
September 3rd, 2022
Rocket Homecoming
Thursday 9/22/22 vs Comet Practice. More to follow
Picture Day
We are reviewing the possibility of 9/26. Stand by for more details
Super Bowl Weekend or Final SEYFA Weekend
October 29th 2022
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Thank you!
Go Comets!

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