The Stateline Comets along with the communities of Johnsburg, Westosha, and Grayslake North, have come together and formed the All Community Youth Flag League (ACYFL). This league, which will be played in the Spring, was formed with the goal in mind to be able to teach our players about more specific parts of the game all while having fun doing it. You can expect your player(s) to learn the techniques and concepts specifically related to those of offensive passing & runningas well as pass defense. This will allow the players to have more time with their coaches and teammates, allowing them to improve or fine tune their skills and abilities on both sides of the ball.

Below you can see the dimensions of the field for 1st thru 6th grade.

Below you can see the layout of a normal football field come gameday for flag. 1st thru 6th will play across the field on the 30yd wide game area, and the 7th & 8th grade will play the full width of the field, starting at the 40yd line going into the endzone.